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My experience as a placekicker for the University of Arizona 1972 and 1973 Varsity Football Teams, combined with coaching and training by former Dallas Cowboys Kicking Coach, Ben Agajanian (a friend and mentor for 52 years), has provided me with a clear understanding of the importance of the kicking game to any football team. I have also gained valuable insight into the necessity for balance between technique and mental preparation which is required for success in eithere kicking position. My 

strengths in these areas, in addition to my ability as a motivator, have provided me with the skills necessary to provide a valuable service to your organization. My coaching philosophy includes emphasis on functioning as a strong communication link between kickers, the coaching staff and the rest of the team.


My development as a placekicker and coach is outlined below:


  • Varsity Football Team, 1972, 1973 @ University of Arizona

  • Placekicker, First Team, All Western Athletic Conference, 1973

  • San Francisco 49'ers, 1974

  • Assistant Special Teams Coach, 1974-1977, University of Arizona

  • Presently coaches Arizona State University placekickers and Punters (unofficial basis)

  • Coached 30 All State Kickers and Punters


Other biographical info:


  • I was born and raised in California where I started kicking at the age of 7. I was taught to kick by Ben Agajanian, the guru of all kicking coaches. Ben coached the Dallas Cowboy Kickers and Punters for 25 years.

  • I was a kicker in high school for 3 years on the varsity. I kicked for the University of Arizona in 1972-73 where I was All WAC Placekicker in 1973. I went on to kick for the San Francisco 49ers in 1974.

  • I started my career as a kicking coach in 1979 @ Mesa Dobson High School which also led to coaching at Mesa Mountain View and Scocttsdale Chaparral on the varsity level.


I have had 29 All State Kickers and Punters since 1979 in the State of Arizona. I have assisted with scholarship opportunities for my kickers/punters at USC, Oregon, ASU, Arizona, BYU, Oklahoma State, NAU, Cal, San Diego State, Iowa, Minnesota, and Cincinnati.


I am confident that I will provide your organization and athletes with a unique combination of knowledge, skills and motivational ability which will establish a kicking game second to none.


I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and abilities with you at your convenience.


Please contact me


Charlie Gorham


Phone: 602.206.5950



University of Arizona

Bobby Gill, Kicker

Ramey Peru, Kicker/Punter

Mike Johnson, Kicker

Danny Baugher, Punter


Arizona State University

Steve Rausch, Kicker/Punter

Mike Barth, Kicker

Marcus Williams, Kicker/Punter

Nick Murphy, Punter

Mike Gauthier, Kicker

Tim Parker, Punter

Alex Garouette, Kicker

Trevor Hawkins, Punter

Chris McDonald, Punter


Northern Arizona University

Mark Jagadinski, Kicker

Andrew Wilder, Punter



Chad Kraemer, Kicker/Punter


Southwest Missouri State

Mike Lindsley, Kicker

Robbie Kemp, Punter


San Diego State

Noel Partridge, Punter



Kyle Pooler, Kicker



Tim Douglas, Kicker


Michigan State

John Goss, Kicker



Quin Rodriguez, Kicker



Garrison Harman, Kicker/Punter


Oklahoma State

Matt Goldstein, Kicker



Kurtis Doerr, Punter

Dan Katz, Kicker



JD Hartsfield, Punter

Stu Kimble, Kicker



Mike Branstein, Kicker



Jaret Johnson, Kicker



Brian Steel, Punter



Mike Krall, Punter


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